No more forgotten carrier passwords or endless time stuck on-hold.

You sold a policy. Now you need to provide top-quality service. Our dedicated in-force policy service team is here to handle all policy-related requests with accuracy and efficiency, ensuring your clients receive the best possible care. We can help with:

Policyholder Updates

Easily update personal details and policy information, such as changes to beneficiaries, addresses, names, EFT information or ownership.

Policy Management

Modify your client's policy details, including mode and premium changes, conversion details, death benefit reductions or rate reconsiderations.

Policy Documentation

Access important files and policy information, including statements and summaries, billing notices, current values, premium history in-force illustrations, form 712 and more.

Get answers to your questions

Let us help make servicing a policy easy. Call or email us and we'll help your clients make updates to an in-force insurance policy.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the turnaround time for policy owner service requests?

After submitting a request to the email, we strive to respond within 1-2 business days. However, requests are handled in the order in which they are received, so times may vary during high-volume periods.

When a request is sent to a carrier, each type of request and each carrier have different servicing time frames. In most cases, if there are no issues with the request being sent, you should have something back between 5-10 business days, depending on the request. Unfortunately, some of our older carriers no longer have large customer service teams, so hold times are long, and requests are not always handled as quickly as we would like.

Some carriers that typically see extended wait times include MetLife (Brighthouse), Penn Mutual, Lincoln Benefit Life (Allstate) and Transamerica.

Can I send my policy owner service requests directly to the team member who assisted me previously?

It is best to continue to send any requests via the email. We have a team of people monitoring this box daily. If someone is already working on a request for you, your email will be sent back to the team member handling your request.

Where can I get policy owner service forms?

The policy owner services team can provide you with any in-force service-related forms for carriers that Ash Brokerage has a contract with.

If you would like to pull forms, you can access the Ash Advisor Portal, then choose Applications > Paper forms. Click on the "paper applications" button to launch the iPipeline forms engine. Fill in the pertinent information about carrier, state and type of form, then download the form packet.

You can also download forms directly from insurance carrier websites if you're registered.

How can I get help completing a policy owner services form?

Since Ash Brokerage works with numerous insurance carriers, our team is not versed in how to complete every form. It is recommended that you complete the form in its entirety.

Most forms have instructions on how to complete the form successfully. If you need further assistance, we can contact the carrier on your behalf to get an answer. For a quicker response, we recommend you contact the carrier directly with your question.

Before submission, the Ash team will always check the form for policy number, signature and date.

Can policy owner service forms be completed electronically?

Electronic submission, through a service such as Docusign, is not allowed by most insurance carriers on in-force service forms. The majority must be hand-signed.

Can I get policy owner assistance on cases that were not written through Ash?

We do our best to help with cases that were not written through Ash Brokerage. To begin, our team will need to know the name of the writing agent and the last four digits of their Social Security Number.

However, we are not always successful in obtaining information on policies not written through us. Some carriers may require a special authorization to be signed prior to releasing any information. There are also some insurance carriers where Ash Brokerage no longer holds contracts. For those companies, we will be unable to gather information if Ash Brokerage is not connected with the policy.

In those cases, it’s always best for the policy owner to call.

Why are agents not notified of lapse notices by Ash?

Ash Brokerage is not always privy to lapse notifications, as carriers will send them directly to the policy owner. Some carriers may send a notice to the agent. Very few are sent to Ash.

If we are notified of a lapse pending policy or a lapse notice, we notify the agent of record once we see that correspondence.

It’s always best to register for the carrier sites to look at all of your policies written so you can do a review of your policies. For select carriers, Ash's In-Force Vision tool is a great resource for up-to-date information.

What happens if I send an incorrect request to the policy owner services team?

The Ash Policy Owner Services team handles all inquiries related to owners requesting to make a change to an in-force policy. Here are the key tasks that the team can assist with:

  • Beneficiary Changes
  • Client Address / Name Changes
  • Client EFT Updates / Changes
  • Conversion Details
  • Annual Statements
  • Copies of Billing Notices
  • Current Values
  • Death Benefit Reductions
  • Duplicate Policy Requests
  • Blank Forms for Inforce Service Requests
  • Inforce Illustrations
  • Inforce Status
  • ITR / 712 Values
  • Mode Changes
  • Ownership Changes
  • Paid To Date Status
  • Policy Details/Summaries
  • Premium Changes
  • Premium History
  • Rate Reconsiderations
  • Verifications of Payment Received
  • Death Claims – Most carriers want a death claim handled by the beneficiaries. We will attempt to notify a carrier of a forthcoming death claim, but are limited to information. In this case, it's best to have a beneficiary call.

For life insurance increase in coverage or conversion quotes, please contact

For other inquiries, start by contacting the Producer Services team at Some of the most common requests Producer Services handles are related to contracting, commissions, communication preferences, demographic updates, required training and becoming the agent of record on a policy.

If you send a request to the policy owner services team that falls outside our expertise, we will pass it on to a team that handles the request and they will follow up with you.